* This class holds scan data so that we can remember where enemies were
* and what they were doing when we last scanned then.
* You could make a hashtable (with the name of the enemy bot as key)
* or a vector of these so that you can remember where all of your enemies are
* in relation to you.
* This class also holds the guessX and guessY methods. These return where our targeting
* system thinks they will be if they travel in a straight line at the same speed
* as they are travelling now.  You just need to pass the time at which you want to know
* where they will be.

class Enemy {
        * ok, we should really be using accessors and mutators here,
        * (i.e getName() and setName()) but life's too short.
        String name;
        public double bearing;
        public double head;	//enemy heading
        public long ctime;      //game time that the scan was produced
        public double speed;
        public double x,y;
        public double distance;
        public double guessX(long when)
                long diff = when - ctime;
                return x+Math.sin(head)*speed*diff;
        public double guessY(long when)
                long diff = when - ctime;
                return y+Math.cos(head)*speed*diff;
