* This set of helper methods.  You may find several of these very useful
* They include the ability to find the angle to a point.

//if a bearing is not within the -pi to pi range, alters it to provide the shortest angle
double NormaliseBearing(double ang) {
        if (ang > PI)
        ang -= 2*PI;
        if (ang < -PI)
        ang += 2*PI;
        return ang;

//if a heading is not within the 0 to 2pi range, alters it to provide the shortest angle
double NormaliseHeading(double ang) {
        if (ang > 2*PI)
        ang -= 2*PI;
        if (ang < 0)
        ang += 2*PI;
        return ang;

//returns the distance between two x,y coordinates
public double getrange( double x1,double y1, double x2,double y2 )
        double xo = x2-x1;
        double yo = y2-y1;
        double h = Math.sqrt( xo*xo + yo*yo );
        return h;

//gets the absolute bearing between to x,y coordinates
public double absbearing( double x1,double y1, double x2,double y2 )
        double xo = x2-x1;
        double yo = y2-y1;
        double h = getrange( x1,y1, x2,y2 );
        if( xo > 0 && yo > 0 )
                return Math.asin( xo / h );
        if( xo > 0 && yo < 0 )
                return Math.PI - Math.asin( xo / h );
        if( xo < 0 && yo < 0 )
                return Math.PI + Math.asin( -xo / h );
        if( xo < 0 && yo > 0 )
                return 2.0*Math.PI - Math.asin( -xo / h );
        return 0;